
 This Wizard can also be launched by clicking on the More button in the product wizard, and allows you to specify some important fields to boost your online product search-ability as well as to comply with laws in various countries.

You can also launch the other product dialogs directly from this wizard, which is especially useful when launching it via the More button in the Product Wizard.


Product Category

Setting a product category will help boost the ability for customers to find you online if they search through specific product categories.

Quantity Unit

Define in which units a product is sold, such as by weight, by length or by volume, for example.

Allow decimal quantities

Use this if for example this product can be purchased by the meter, and you allow customers to buy 1.5 meter lengths.

Base Price

In many European countries such as Germany you have to show a Base Price for products sold by quantity, such as weight, size, length or volume. See Base Prices for more details.


Enter the name of the manufacturer to improve online searches.

Manufacturer Code

Enter the original manufacturer code of the product, so customers searching the Internet for this code can find it in your shop.

Product (Discount) Code

The Product (Discount) Code is used by GlobeCharge to apply Reseller discounts to different groups of product. All products with the same code will be available to a Reseller at the same discount.

Distributor Code, Price Code

These codes will in the future allow you to manipulate all products with the same code, for example by increasing all prices with the same code by 10%.


Here you can enter the international product identifier, such as an ISBN code or the EAN or UCC code of your product. Anyone finding looking for products with these codes will then be able to find your product on the Internet.