Añadir código HTML

 Los códigos HTML añadidos con este Asistente pueden ubicarse en la parte superior o inferior de la página.

Haga clic sobre el  botón para añadir un código en un dialogo. El código será introducido en la página. Puede utilizar esta función para añadir funcionalidad extra, como contadores de visita a sus páginas.


Edit HTML code. Add HTML code to all pages at once


This Dialog allows you to add HTML code to all pages of your website at once. You can select from 6 different locations for your HTML code.

Click on ShopFactory Central.

Click on Edit HTML code.

The "Add HTML code" dialog opens.

Click on the  button to add code in a dialog. The code will be added to all pages of your website.

You can select from  six locations on the page for the HTML code. Please make sure that your code suits the area available.

Add HTML code to a page

The "More" button of the Page Wizard gives you access to the HTML code area on a page level. Double click on a page in the index tree to launch the page Wizard or click on the small triangle next to the Page Properties button  and select "Add HTML code" in the drop down menu to launch it. HTML code added here will only be applied to the specific page. Please make sure that your code suits the area available.