1: Create a new Website
  1. Launch your 3D3 application by selecting it in the Windows Start / Programs Dialog.
  2. Click on New Website. The Project wizard opens. Click on Next.
  3. Enter a name for your Project. This will be used to name your project folder on your hard disk. Click on Next.
  4. If you want you can now select a different theme for your website. However you can change the theme at any stage using the Designer button in ShopFactory. Click on Next.
  5. On the company details page you have to provide at least a Name, the country the shop is located in and the Zip (area) code for the shop location. Please enter the correct details, as VAT settings will be based on this choice. Click on Next.
  6. On the Contact details Page you have to enter at the very least your Email for orders, so orders can be sent to you. This will be useful for testing, as you can already place test orders when previewing. Click on Next
  7. On the next page you can enter a shop name, a short slogan and a company image or logo, which will all be displayed on your website. You can change them at any time. Please note that the size of the Logo will depend on the Website Theme you have selected. (Check out Preset image sizes for more details on how to override this). Click on Next
  8. Set your main currency. Make sure you select the correct currency for your region, as this will make it easier later on. The optional secondary currency will display prices to your customers in the other currency, and you can later add more currencies, if you wish. Click on Next
  9. The tax page will now show you the VAT applying in your region, based on the location of your shop provided earlier. This rate is a recommendation only. If it does not apply to you, you can change it later using the Tax wizard. Click on Next
  10. Shipping method setup allows you to select how you want to charge your customers for shipping the goods. There are several methods available, including the use of a number of shipping providers. You can provide more information later with the Shipping Wizard. Now click on the Finish button, and ShopFactory will automatically create the new shop for you.