Launching ShopFactory

Once you have installed ShopFactory, you will be able to start the program by selecting it in the Windows Start menu. Simply click on the Start button and Programs – then select the application by its name. Click on the program shortcut to start the 3D3 application.

The 3D3 application always starts with the Launch Wizard. Simply click on a button to choose an action.

If you are new to the software, we recommend opening the demonstration website provided. By playing with it you will quickly get to know the many functions available to you.


Opening a shop


To open an existing shop, simply select it from the 'List of previous websites' in the start-up dialog or in the file menu.

If the website is not listed, you can Browse your computer to locate it. Note that you have to select the Project Folder top open the project rather than an actual file.

ShopFactory 9 also supports webshop projects stored on a network drive, unlike earlier versions of ShopFactory.