Product Templates (SF 9.2)

Product Templates allow you to copy values from a template to many products at the same time to save you much work and effort. Just change one template and copy the values instead of making the same changes multiple times.

You can adjust all your products at once - all the products listed on a page or just the products you have selected. The most commonly copied values are prices, options and discounts - but of course you can copy any supported value.

You can almost any value associated with a product: simply by assigning the values to a template and then copying them to any product you want.


1: Create a product template


Look for the Product Template folder in the tree window.

Now copy any product you want to use as template into this folder - or add a new product to it.

The product becomes a template and you can copy its values to any product you want.

You can edit the valued of the template just like any other product. Changes you make to a template do not affect any other product - until you copy them across.


2: Select target products - the products you want to update


Once you have adjust the values of a product template so they match the values you want to copy to other products, you can select your target products.

Target products can be selected in multiple ways:

For example to apply a discount to all products listed on a page, simply right-click on the page in the tree window. Then select the option highlighted in the image below.



Alternatively switch to List view on any page by clicking on the 'List' tab at the bottom of the page


or go to the 'List of Contents' in the tree window

and select your target products - the products you want to update with the values from the template.

Highlight the target products by dragging your mouse over them with the left mouse button pushed down or by clicking on them while holding down the SHIFT or the CTRL key on your keyboard. 

Then right-click on the selected products and select the option highlighted in the image below.


Copy template values to target products


When you right click on the products and select the option 'Copy values from a product template' the Product Template Wizard opens.

In the 'Product Template' window on the left side select the template you want to use. All the templates you have added to the Product Templates page are listed here.

In the 'Fields to copy' window select the values you want to copy. You can select as many values as you want.

If you copy options, you can select the function "Delete all existing options in target products". This means only the options you are copying will be available in the target products once you are done.


See also: Product Templates

See also 'Product templates' to find out how to copy product data and product settings from one product to many products. This allows you to apply this function to many products at the same time.