Add YouTube plus other videos

ShopFactory 9 allows you to add YouTube Videos to your pages and products, just like images.

To ad a video click on the YouTube Button instead of the image button. This opens a dialog window.

Paste the Embed Code provided by the Video site into this window.

This works for all videos, which support embedding code. 


Videos in a text description


If you add videos to your text descriptions, you can resize them by

  1. Clicking on the video
  2. Move mouse over the border of the video until you see a Cross displayed as cursor
  3. Click on drag the side of the video to adjust the size

To delete a video select it by dragging your mouse over it and then hit the delete button on your keyboard.

Videos as page or product images


To add a video as a page or product image, simply click on the YouTube button and paste the embed code from the video site into the dialog which opens.

ShopFactory will automatically adjust the size of the video to fit into the space assigned by the designer for the image. You can adjust the image size by selecting Custom size in the dialog and entering a size up to the maximum size supported.