Importing an existing ShopFactory Website

To import a ShopFactory 7-10 Website, just open it in ShopFactory 11.

Your website project will be copied and converted to ShopFactory 11.

We highly recommend switching to a ShopFactory 11 website theme for improved performance and additional functionality. 

To import an existing Website created with ShopFactory 4, 5, 6 or Webshop Pro,
follow these steps: 


You must have a ShopFactory 10 solution which is at least equivalent to your existing solution. you CAN import a ShopFactory Gold shop into ShopFactory Pro.



Create a new website in ShopFactory 10.



Right click with your mouse on Page 1 in the page tree window of ShopFactory and click on “Select a Page Style”.

A dialog will open and you can select a page style which will be used for the pages you import. You can later change the style, if you want.


Once you have selected a page style, you can select a paragraph style in the same way. Right click again on Page 1, but this time chose “Select a Paragraph Style”. This style will be used to display your paragraphs.


Click on “File” from the Menu bar. Then chose the option “Import older websites” and follow the instructions displayed on the screen.